Sunday, July 3, 2016

Nippon 2016 Day 1 (and 2?)


"... We're doing it because we think... it's fun... I DON'T KNOW. It'd be much easier if I were older but I'm already on the internet and I'm only 8."

Actually it's so we do something semi-useful while we're on holiday. Also - this way, when we're asked by family members and other nosy people what we got up to this summer, we won't have to tell the same stories again and again and again. (Well... we might anyway)

"Airline travel is hours of boredom interrupted by moments of stark terror"
-Al Boliska

Our journey to the exotic half of our homelands started at shit-o'clock. Mum came rushing into our rooms telling us to get up get up I thought I told you to get up fifteen minutes ago we're leaving in half an hour have you packed everything are you ready????? Admittedly I don't remember her coming into my room the first time around, nor do I remember switching my alarm off when it buzzed at 3.15am. The parents got us out of the house and we were packed into the car still a little bit stunned and very sleep deprived. 

Four and a half hours later (after a long wait for check-in and a short discussion with the policewoman at passport control about Denmark and Germany and how the Schengen agreement works) we're on the plane for the first leg of our flight - London, Heathrow. Having slept about an hour the night before I peaced out for the entirety of the flight, waking only to eat the plastic-wrapped breakfast croissant the board crew were handing out. 

Once at Heathrow, we decided to have a second breakfast while we were waiting for our next flight. After we'd finished our huuuuge English breakfasts we headed to our gate and boarded our flight to Tokyo, Haneda. After lunch and a Spanish movie I feel asleep and didn't wake up until they served breakfast (no dinner because of the time-zone-hopping!!) Mick stayed up nearly the whole flight, watched four movies, and depleted the flight's Kettle Chips provisions. 

Tokyo, 03.07.2016
From Haneda Airport we took a shuttle bus to our hotel in the Kamata neighbourhood where we were greeted by a very polite receptionist, who very politely let us know that our rooms would be ready at 3pm. It was 9am.

So, with the better part of a day to kill, we headed out into Tokyo to the Epson Aqua Park. We were expecting an aquarium and I guess it was an aquarium of sorts but with elements of an amusement park and light-y, sparkly, fancily done rooms. The park consisted of several rooms, each with a different theme, and one big "stadium" in which they put on dolphin shows (eeeek, what are the ethical implications here?) My favourite room, and personal highlight of today, was the jellyfish room. 

For lunch we searched the neighbourhood for a nice spot and found a restaurant that specialised in free range chicken. At this point we were very tired and Mick had entered a zombie-like state. He dozed off next to the table while we finished our very tasty meals. 


When we arrived back at our hotel our rooms had been prepared and I fell straight into bed feeling the weight of a long day/two days/whatever the hell this space of time can be called. Mick, however, wanted to connect his iPad to the wifi. Upon learning that I was unwilling to help him and he couldn't figure out how to do it himself, he threw a minor fit. I fell asleep anyway and he must have too, at some point because when I woke up four hours later he was snoring away with his mouth wide open. 

After having a big meal for lunch we weren't so hungry once dinner time came around, so we went to a nearby konbini (convenience store) to get some onigiri (rice balls), melon pan (sweet bread shaped like a melon) and some cold mugicha                                                                                                 (barley tea). 

When you realise you need an adapter but didn't pack one

It's now half ten in the evening and neither Mick nor I are all too sleepy.

The Worm's-eye View

We woke up three o'clock in the morning. Me and Mai didn't get any breakfast.

When we finally arrived at the airport, we had to wait a long time to check in.
After like, one or two hours, we finally checked in. Security: I could just walk straight in and get my bag. We went to gate B3 to London. The flight was two whopping hours long. When we were in the second airport, we had to do the whole thing again...

The flight to Japan was eleven hours long. When we arrive in Tokyo we had to take a bus. The bus was gonna drive to our hotel. What sucked, is that we arrived 9:35 and our room was supposed to be prepared for 15:00. We had to wait 6 WHOLE hours for our (three) hotel rooms! One for me and Mai, one for just my brother Philip and one for mum and dad of course. 

Anyway, mum found an aquarium nearby! When we arrived there, we thought it wasn't much... But it turned out to be fun anyways. The water show was awesome! The dolphins did front and back flips like crazy! Nearly everybody was soaked (In the front row). We then went to a restaurant I don't remember how the food tasted honestly... When we came back our hotel room was ready. First I lay down with my IPad but, my sister said that I needed to sleep although I had (probably) slept in the restaurant! I started to bang my head against the wall with anger shouting "Shit,shit,shit,SHIT!!!!" 

Apparently I also fell asleep. When I woke up, we had went to a familymart. For dinner we bought donuts, Japanese melon bread and rice balls with salmon and stuff and yeah basically that's it for day 1 1/2 (because of the Japanese flight)
anyway bye!

Mick and Mai out

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